What quality of life can I expect in Perth, Australia?

For the majority of my clients, they have never been to Perth before. They have chosen this city either for employment reasons, or lifestyle reasons. But what type of lifestyle, and quality of life, should they expect?

Expat Arrivals recently listed Australia as one of the world’s top 5 destinations for healthy expat living - I guess we are all in good hands then! The article quoted -

“Australian’s can expect to live for 83.4 years thanks to various factors including climate, plenty of sunshine and active lifestyle, as well as the country’s excellent social welfare policies, high living standards and prosperous economy. Most people in Australia earn well, and the country’s education policies lead to a well educated population able to find employment. The standard of housing is also high, while exceptional healthcare is readily available.”

The reference to plenty of sunshine and outdoor activities is particularly relevant to Perth. As a city based on the Swan River, and with a coast line dotted with an amazing choice of clean and easily accessible beaches, the Perth population really embraces many water sport hobbies - surfing, swimming, stand-up paddle boarding, kayaking, sailing - there is a long list to choose from!

With a seasonal calendar then enjoys a long summer, pleasant and mild Autumn and Spring, and by comparison to its east coast cousins, a short winter, Perth really allows and encourages a healthy lifestyle for all!

Perhaps when you finally make the move and arrive in Western Australia, everyone in the family agrees to learn one new sport or hobby, that happens outdoors? A great family challenge that may last the distance, or at least provide some light relief during the stressful times of adapting to an international relocation!

Melissa x


Here’s a fun fact: Bed sizes in Australia are much LARGER than those in Europe!


Relocating to Australia with children